Dear Friends, Family and Supporters:

As I reflect on what God has done through me with this ministry, I am amazed. It is almost unreal that He, the Creator of the universe, aligned my path to cross the paths of those precious souls I met in Rwanda in November 2020. It was an instant connection - and this marked the beginning of life-changing and life-giving relationships. A small town girl from Greenville, North Carolina met a pastor living in an extremely impoverished village in East Africa when teaching English. Instant friendships have even further developed since my first trip in the midst of COVID. These friends who have become family have molded me into a better person whose heart loves more deeply, feels more intensely, and screams more loudly to be the voice of the voiceless in the countries of Rwanda as well as war-torn Democratic Republic of Congo. The United States division of Africa Hope Initiatives became a reality after my trip to 2021, when I could not deny that this was a true calling on my life. Since its development into a 501(c)3, AHI:US has established a vocational school for women to educate and equip them to be self-sufficient, partnered with local women to expand their small businesses, purchased land for churches and preschool buildings, as well as completed required soundproofing projects for existing church buildings. We have assisted with church planting and building projects, expanded early childhood education in remote villages, distributed Bibles, and provided emergency food and supply relief to those in dire need. As the US Director, I believe wholeheartedly in this ministry. I have seen the impacts we have made, and I look forward to many more years of blessings through our partnership with our brothers and sisters in East Africa. I thank God daily for leading me here. I cannot imagine my life without Rwanda. Please join me in changing lives and spreading joy and hope to the hopeless! 

In this section, I am sharing some of my journal entries and pictures from the latest trip. These entries share the ongoing projects that AHI supports and our dreams for future projects. I hope these entries give you a glimpse into the ‘why’ behind AHI and how God has moved and continues to move in East Africa!

-Jennifer Parker, Director

June 18, 2024

Today was a great day with the children at the Child Hope Center in Kimironko. The hugs, questions, touches and sweet smiles were heart-filling. They are so curious and inquisitive about my skin. I reminded them that my arm is just like theirs, that we really are the same. I want to be colorblind, just like our Creator. I do think it’s possible to have part of my heart in two places. This place has become home, and family, and I am so thankful for it. The kindness that is displayed here, the genuine concern and appreciation, the lack of fear of true expression of emotion and giving praise is refreshing and I feel it already after one full day of being immersed in it. How is it that the day on the airplane seemed to last years but one day here is like one second? I’m sharing a photo from the airport, powdered milk (so good in tea), precious moments captured with the children today, and an evening treat. Kimironko treated me well, and tomorrow I know Kimisagara will as well! Thanks to all who prayed for my travels and all who continue to pray for lives to be touched while I am here

June 26, 2024

Village of Bwiru with Pastor Rukema Philemon! I was not expecting to jump right in to the construction project but the best way to completely grasp something is to do just that - be an active participant. I will spare you the video, however, as I would hate to totally embarrass myself in front of the whole world. I didn’t come this far to be a bystander, but I was a bit fearful of this ladder. I’m not sure I have a future career in anything construction-based. This is the place where we - Africa Hope Initiatives (US) - raised funds to complete the preschool building! Praise! The company completing the project uses a variety of materials, rather than more costly cement, for the floors and walls. This provides stable jobs for people living in Nyamata, where the company is based. To see how far this church has come in one year is astonishing. The members contributed enough to complete upgrades to the church, and they worked hard for everything they have accomplished. These are the real heroes. They may not have many material possessions but faith, they lack not. I was gifted a very special plaque and got lots of baby hugs and snuggles. There is something special about this poor, small village - the hearts here are so, so full. To be here is to witness the hand of God leading His people.

June 26, 2024

Abanjasiyoni Church in Gisenyi - part of Harvest Christian Church with Pastor Olivier! A place with many needs, but amazing things to celebrate. Last year I visited this church, and was so touched that Pastor Olivier has been using a room in his home for the church to meet. It was a tremendous blessing last year to purchase the land for this church. Now they are praying and fasting for funds to build a church building. Estimated cost is $58,000 for the complete project, which will include the church, office, and toilets. The cost seems overwhelming but it is possible with the Lord! The unity and pure joy of this group of believers is undeniable. They danced until everyone was drenched, and it still didn’t stop. The fellowship and worship with them was just wonderful for my soul. What an amazing day with the greatest blessings one could ever ask for! My team is faithful and so very filled with the Spirit. The sounds of prayer made me smile last night. I heard them again this morning. I just have to raise my hands in the air and give thanks that I was chosen to be the advocate for the land that I love.

June 21, 2024

My day so far has consisted of visiting two preschool centers, Nyamata and Mbyo, both in poor villages. My time with the children again did not disappoint. It was amazing, as always, being with these true friends. It is the vision of Africa Hope Initiatives (US) and Theo Rugubira to purchase land in Nyamata to build a church and preschool. They are currently renting the space for the children’s classrooms for $200/month. A total of $22,000 is needed to purchase this plot of land. This area is quite sought after at the moment due to the new Rwanda airport being built here, so the value of this property will continue to increase. Maybe a generous donor is looking for a tax-deductible gift? This would be a complete miracle, but after much discussion today, this may be our first priority. I shared the clothing I brought with me today but I only got a few pictures because we weren’t able to distribute all of them before we left to head to the next site. The teachers will share the remainder with those who are most in need in the classrooms. This center currently serves 102 children, and many only have one pair of shoes, which are in poor condition. We will buy shoes for the children at the next center we visit. Please pray for our ministry. It is doing big things, and we can’t do them without your prayers and support. I met a US veteran today who is here to construct hotels in the area, and I shared information about my mission. Praying for a connection there as well. Tonight, we are having worship and a night of prayer, which will extend beyond my normal waking hours, but I am ready. We will sleep at the church after our time of prayer and I’m honored to be a part of this close-knit group of pastors who treat me like family. I think I’ve known them in my heart all my life. God’s protection during our travels is much appreciated. Travel here is not always the safest, and I give Him all the glory for providing beyond what I need, taking me on the path that is best, and placing people in my journey who need me most. I am beyond happy; it is a pure joy that is overflowing.

June 27, 2024

What a great day in Rwanda! After a breakfast of fresh fruit and chai tea, we went back to Lake Kivu and it was so much fun! There were only a few people there so we had the place to ourselves. The jet ski wasn’t working but they were creative and had a rope attached which they used to pull me. For the equivalent of $2, I was able to get on and take photos. When in Africa, you do new things and you soak up the memories. We found a really cool lava rock which I’m bringing home. We then visited natural hot springs which are at the edge of the waters of Lake Kivu. This water was so hot but was relaxing for a foot soak. Lunch and fellowship was also a special time. Africa Hope Initiatives (US) was able to provide 25 kg bags of rice and 25 of of corn flour for twelve families. Eleven of the twelve have fled Goma, DRC due to ethnic conflicts and lack of security. It was a huge blessing for them and they were so thankful. We visited two other families’ homes and spent time conversing and praying with them. Now, we are wrapping up dinner at the church. It was a productive and fulfilling day and also relaxing. We talked about how important it is to do the work, but also to give your mind and body time to relax and refresh so that we can continue to pour into others. Tomorrow is a travel day as we will head back to Kigali. I tried the milk here in Gisneyi because it is pasteurized and it was delicious. I’ve been enjoying all of the Rwandan foods - eating them the traditional Rwandan way - this week and am now ready for my nationality.

These are just a few of the stories, encounters, and projects I have worked on over the years. Rwanda is my fuel; it renews and restores me. These people have become my family. It saddens me every time I leave them, but as Bishop Theophile says, “You cannot come back if you never leave; be a good rain and return.” If you are interested in hearing more stories or more about AHI, feel free to email me at Or fill out this FORM to schedule a speaking engagement with me! Or, if you would like to join our generous donors, click the button below!

I would like to thank each and every one of you for continuing to support the work that God is doing in East Africa, both through prayer and financial support! I cannot wait to see how God continues to move through lives in East Africa!

I met this woman during my July 2021 trip ~ What a prayer warrior! Betty amazed me with her faithfulness and pure joy.

My favorite part of my July 2021 journey was taking daily walks at sunset. The local children watched me from afar, their faces filled with hesitation. However, with just a simple gesture that requires literally no effort, the walls came down. A smile is all it takes sometimes to break down barriers. An ocean may separate us, but we are all much more similar than we are different. I. Love. Rwanda.